Important Dates:
- Till May 14th, 2023 - present summary of presentation and/or article (if applicable) in original and English languages (max one printed sheet). This should be sent to email:
- Till May 30th, 2023 - to present article for publication prepared under the indicated below requirements. Together with the article the photos of the authors and evidence of payment of the publication fee should be presented. Conference papers for publication in the proceedings should be sent to email:
- Till June 30th, 2023 – pay an early registration fee
- From July 1st, 2023 – the full registration fee
Requirements for Articles (Presentations)
The articles will be published in separate reviewed edition till the conference date. The articles should be prepared using Microsoft Word program, Times New Roman 12 pt font, using 1,5 line interval on one side of A4 paper, the margins should be not less than 25 mm from all sides, not more than 14 printed A4 pages. The comprehensive summary of up to 3000 characters should be included, the citation form is footnotes presented at the bottom of the page. Under the title of the article accurate information about the author (Author's name and surname, scientific and pedagogical title, name and address of Institution represented, position, phone, and e-mail) should be presented. Please note that any pictures, diagrams or other illustrating data will be printed in grayscale.
Publication fee
- The publication fee is a separate fee of 80 Euros per article which should be paid by May 30th 2023 into account of Lithuanian Criminalists association № LT 10 7044 0600 0159 7508, SWIFT CBVI LT 2X (BANK AB SEB).
- Please indicate the first and last name of the author and the purpose of the transfer: publication fee.
- Payment evidence should be presented together with the article. Publication of the article is possible without participation in Congress.
- Conference papers for publication in the proceedings should be sent to email:
- The articles may be prepared in Czech, Lithuania, English, German, Ukrainian or Polish languages. The summaries and keywords in the original and English languages are necessary.
- Together with the article one scientific review of the article should be presented in Czech or English. The presented articles will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee as well. The article should comply with the requirements defined below for the publications. The articles which not comply with the requested form will automatically be rejected. The articles will be traditionally published in separate reviewed annual edition.